"The plane taking the Chosen One to Kuala Lumpur returned from New Delhi to Lahore at 1 am on Thursday after a member of his entourage, Bashir Ali Mohammad, suffered a heart attack twice during the journey."
"That was very humane of the Chosen One? To drop someone off like this...I mean it couldn't have been cheap..."
"He didn't pay for the cost of the return flight. The money will probably be subtracted from the taxes you and I pay."
"Ah as always! I guess we are so used to it that we don't even think about it."
"But this guy had a heart attack twice? I mean what was wrong with the guy?"
"Well, did you know Angelina Jolie was in the country?"
"She was here as a UNICEF Ambassador - something about the Afghan children and refugees. I am not a hundred percent sure but I believe she met The Cousin?"
"No wonder, we have not heard a peep out of the Cousin lately. But this guy who had a heart attack...do you think he got to meet Ms Jolie?"
"If he is in the PM's entourage then he is pretty well connected shall we say and..."
"He's not a bureaucrat but the owner of Gul Ahmed Textiles."
"Ah yes. He has probably dreamed of draping his fabric around Ms Jolie and sees his dream coming true."
"Don't be facetious."
"I am not being facetious. All I am saying is that in her last movie 'Alexander'. Ms Jolie wore drapes according to the Greek fashion of those times so maybe he reckons he will be provided with an opportunity to drape his product around her, I mean he does claim his is the best cotton lawn in the world too! What an advertisement!"
"Man the guy is lucky! Not only does he get a whole plane to drop him off at state expense but then gets to drape one of the most beautiful women in the world."
"You are right. Some have all the luck. You reckon he faked the heart attack just to get back home."
"You can fake it once not twice."
"So says a non-medic. But you know now I understand why the journalists continue to be ignored."
"Not because Ms Jolie is here!"
"Why else?"
"Indeed. And she is the reason why Sheikh Sahib of the Disinformation fame knew even less than normal about who was actually responsible for the mistreatment of journalists."
"You know in some weird way you are making sense."
"Of course I am. It is the truth."
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